

Welcome to the City of Tomorrow

Metropolis is the largest city in the United States and one largest and most well-known cities in the world. Located in the state of New York along the Eastern seaboard of the United States it consists of six boroughs and a population of over 10 million individuals. There is no place more renowned in the world than the Big Apricot. When one thinks world class city one would be hard pressed not hear Metropolis mentioned more often than not.

The history of Metropolis stretches back to the year 1542 when Italian navigator Vincenzo Gnanatti discovered the region while in the employ of the Dutch. Prior to European colonization, the region was occupied by the Algonquin Native American tribe. It wasn’t until 1634 however that the first settlement was established by Dutchman Paul De Vries. The settlement was named De Vries Village and occupies the neighborhood now known as “Old City” in the Eastern section of Queensland Park. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, De Vries Village prospered as a thriving seaport and it became an integral strategic location for General George Washington’s army during the Revolutionary War.

In 1775, it established itself as a host to many book and newspaper publishing houses, the most successful of which would eventually become known as the Daily Planet. During the “Devil’s Winter Siege”, the city was defended by Tomahawk’s rangers, most notably Dan Hunter, in whose honor the settlement was renamed as Fort Hunter, later Hunterville and later still Hunter City. In 1783, P. Randall Jeffries opened the First Metropolitan Bank, which still exists today, though the corporate headquarters has since moved to the Central Business District in New Troy.

In 1847, the borough known as Hob’s Bay became a bustling merchant center, as well as a hotbed for bigotry and intolerance, particularly against the rising influx of Irish immigrants. Mission worker Edna Luthor became a strong voice among the struggling workers, and she publicly preached a message of tolerance and love. Like many in the Luthor bloodline, Edna was a visionary whose convictions and strong sense of morality would help pave the way for Metropolis’ future. These values were passed along to her grandson, Wallace Luthor who operated the Luthor Steel Works during the turn of the century.

In 1905 Hunter City became home to noted adventurer, inventor and science hero Waldo Glenmorgan. Glenmorgan began a trend of scientific prowess which culminated in the city changing its name to “Metropolis”. This name change propelled the city towards its current position as the City of Tomorrow.

 Metropolis Today

Metropolis-cardFor more than a century the City of Tomorrow has been unparalleled in the areas of scientific advancements, financial dominance and cultural achievements owing many of its accolades to its bright, talented and diverse population. A virtual melting pot, Metropolis has often been the destination of many immigrants who are in search of the American Dream inspired by the success of many of its varied citizens.

Seen as the benchmark that all cities measures themselves against Metropolis represents the best that the world has to offer. It is seen peerless when compared to cities of the world. It is no surprise that the current President of the United States is one its native sons. If someone is looking to become a success it is usually that Metropolis that they have set their sights upon.

While known for its large scientific community Metropolis is one of the largest financial centers of the world. There is very little that doesn’t happen within the world of business without Metropolis being involved. While dominated by the mega conglomerate of LuthorCorp Metropolis plays host to myriad of business big and small all attempting to get a piece of the pie, hoping and sometimes praying that some that Big Apricot magic will rub off on them, because if you can make it in Metropolis you can make it anywhere.

Known for its research and development firms both big and small Metropolis was the big pond that everyone wanted to get to not realizing that it was more ocean than pond.  Filled with luminaries such as Lex Luthor, Professor Emil Hamilton, Garrison Slate,  and Simon Stagg Metropolis had no shortage of visionaries and trailblazers alike.

That is not to say that Metropolis is not without its problems. Problems that have seemed to grow with the dawn of the new millennium. Some attribute the rise of metahumans across the world with the appearance of Metropolis favorite son, Superman.  Since adopting Metropolis as his hometown Superman has become not only a symbol of hope, but also one of consternation as his presence has changed the landscape of the City of Tomorrow forever.

While Metropolis was far from perfect it has its fair share of crime it has seemed that the presence of the Man of Steel has only caused the scale of the crimes committed within the city to escalate. When dealing with an individual who is capable of the feats that Superman is how long will it be before challengers of equal or greater power appears?

Wondrous. Amazing. Incredible. These are words that come to mind when one thinks of when Metropolis comes to mind, but the each comes with a certain amount of danger. For every city no matter how great or small has its dark side and with a city as great as Metropolis its population consists of both the celebrated and the infamous, but for those that take the risk the returns could be immeasurable.



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